Perfect Poop
Before you say, “Oyy,” I found the expression “perfect poop” featured on the American Kennel Club website. It was part of an article about how our dogs can’t tell us how they’re feeling. But that their excrement can tell us lots.
As guardians, most of us know this but are embarrassed to talk about it. Except maybe around close friends. The other day, my Golden buddy, Liz, announced, “Abby has diarrhea. She doesn’t like me watching her when she goes.” We all chuckled. Shortly thereafter, I went to the local post office to mail a package where another friend, Marsha, a Golden Mom, works. She was on the phone when we arrived, after she hung up Marsha said, “That was my husband reporting on our dog’s poop. Our vet wants us to watch Phoebe so we can bring her a sample for testing.”
“We know that routine,” I said, smiling. “Has to be fresh.”
Since our furry companions aren’t able to tell us when something is wrong it’s up to us to look for the evidence. One is by monitoring their bowel movements. I do it on a regular basis. It helps me to decide what goes into Franklin’s next meal. I’ve done it with all my Goldens. Sometimes it involves searching the yard for a deposit. I don’t mind, it actually serves two purposes, the healthy things, of course, and by picking it up there’s one less for me to step in. That’s a sure quick way to ruin my day.
I always keep a box of Uncle Ben’s brown rice in the cupboard. If something doesn’t look right I take a package out and mix it with some ground beef. This really helps with the runs. It was recommended by Dr. Long, my vet for Angel Nicholas way back in the 80s and I’ve been doing it ever since.
I thought I knew it all until I went online to the American Kennel Club website, I found that there are five things to look for – shape, size, content, color, and consistency.
There were two things I hadn’t thought of, though. First, the perfect poop ought to be sized proportionate to the amount of food your dog eats.
This never crossed my mind before. On occasion I might say, “That can’t be Franklin’s. It’s not big enough.” Or I might say, “That can’t be all he has.” But I never made a health connection to it.
The AKC also wrote, “If you notice any changes in your dog’s elimination schedule and you haven’t changed his food recently, it may be worth contacting your veterinarian to rule out any potential problems.”
This is another point that I never made a health connection to.
What are some of the things you do to monitor your dog’s health?
And, if you want to read more about the “perfect poop” below is the link to the AKC website. You’ll find a more detailed statement on the importance of monitoring your dog’s movements complete with cute colorful graphs. It might be more than you needed or wanted to know. But check it out. It could make a difference to your dog’s well-being and your peace of mind.
Very interesting and so true! I’ve monitored my Goldens’ poop for years and know immediately when something is amiss!
Thanks Kim for all your support. Hope you all are good. Hugs to the girls.
Very interesting…I never heard of Brown rice for doggy diarrhea but it makes sense. With my first Irish setter he once had painful elimination with the runny stool and I rushed him to the vet. Xray showed material in his stomach. The vet gave him morphine which caused vomiting and he brought up 10 socks he injested Needless to say my husband never left his socks lying on the floor again
Ouch! That poor baby. I believe it wholeheartedly. Angel Morgan liked to eat socks when we first got him. Luckily, it came out the other end. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it. Buit 10! I’m glad he was OK. What a lesson for Dads.
Thanks for the scoop on dog poop! I enjoyed your article.
Thanks for your comment Felix. I thought you might like this one. Marianne is smiling. It is one word, right?
Well, Dan, my boy, you certainly cleared up alot of confusion on my part. With two dogs in my family who regularly visit, I can assure you that their parents are constantly on the lookout for irregularities in the pups’ stools. Now I know why. Sweet article. Keep it up! Love ya.
Thanks Casey. Love you too.
We certainly do become affectionate as to purpose, don’t we. We also would use rice to solidify
Hello Larry. Thanks for all your love and support and comments. Happy Rosh Hashana.
Great information on how to check our dogs poop! So glad Franklin was OK! I will be checking Goldie more often too!
Great informtion on your Franklin and I will be checking Godie’s poop from now on!
Thank you Barbara. It’s always a good idea Barbara. It helps me to not strep in it.
Thank you for the infomation and glad Franklin is ok!
As pet parents, we know that our furry friends can’t always tell us how they’re feeling. But did you know that their poop can give us a lot of insight into their health? It may be a bit awkward to talk about, but it’s important to monitor your pet’s bowel movements and make sure everything looks normal. And if something seems off, don’t hesitate to bring a sample to the vet for testing. Plus, by picking up after our pets with a trusty pooper scooper, we’re not only doing our part to keep our yards clean, but also helping to prevent the spread of diseases. So, let’s not be shy when it comes to discussing our pet’s poop and remember to scoop it up to keep our communities healthy and happy..
As pet parents, we know that our furry friends can’t always tell us how they’re feeling. But did you know that their poop can give us a lot of insight into their health? It may be a bit awkward to talk about, but it’s important to monitor your pet’s bowel movements and make sure everything looks normal. And if something seems off, don’t hesitate to bring a sample to the vet for testing. Plus, by picking up after our pets with a trusty pooper scooper, we’re not only doing our part to keep our yards clean, but also helping to prevent the spread of diseases. So, let’s not be shy when it comes to discussing our pet’s poop and remember to scoop it up to keep our communities healthy and happy.