Do You Let Your Dog in the Kitchen?

Now that we’re all sequestered together, and restaurants are closed, it means most of us are cooking our meals at home. Last night we broke down and ordered a mushroom and caramelized onions, 18-inch pizza to pick-up from Bill’s Pizza. Probably the best pizza joint in Palm Springs. It was pretty good. Not good like Back East but good enough in a pinch. Pizza is best when it’s right out of the oven. So we ate the first two slices right in the truck. Morgan was in the back and must have smelled something delicious because he barked and then we felt guilty. So I reached back into the covered bed of the truck and gave him a bite of a cooled down section. That kept him happy until we got home.

But for the most part we’ve been cooking our meals at home. We’ve had a lot of soups that we keep going for a few days, adding ingredients as we go along. One person who loves to see us cooking is – Morgan! He sits right by the edge of the kitchen area and watches us intently. We swear that he licks his chops in anticipation. We call him our little sous-chef.

We only allow him to sit at the edge of the kitchen because I’m always afraid that I might drop something on Morgan or trip over him. My kitchens have always been small and it worries me.

So, here’s my question – Do you let your dog (or cat) come into the kitchen?

My answer to this question is “No.” Now, I’ve seen some Facebook posts of Goldens licking the pots and pans in a dishwasher and they are precious. So, I want to be clear with everyone that I ask this question with no judgement. Only curiosity. And to hear the funny stories.

Tell us the rules in your kitchen and where your best friend(s) likes to hang out when meals are being cooked?

11 replies
  1. June Kaufman
    June Kaufman says:

    Ofcourse I let Cashew in the kitchen. How could we not. He’s always following 1 of us around under our feet. As far as the pots & pans, they’re high up enough that he wouldn’t be able to reach. JR, hand washes the dishes thoroughly more so than the dishwasher.
    One of Cashews favorite word & smell is food. He’s either looking up at us while eating, drolling, or sitting on 1 of our laps.
    Do understand he loves his doggie food. He has gained weight. Last August 2019 he weighed 10 lbs, now he’s around 20 lbs. He was a rescue & when he was found he was all bones from the abuse. JR feels that Cashew is more muscle than fat.
    Love my boy !!!♥️

  2. Casey Criste
    Casey Criste says:

    I am the friend and brother of lots of persons with pets visiting. Sis Mary has a Golden rescue “Mitzi”. Niece Chrissy has a small Australian Shepherd (looks like a Dingo) rescue “Keegan”. Neighbor Marissa has a Bloodhound “Lucy”. Lots more not listed here. All the dogs are “told” to stay out of the kitchen. Yea, right! Like English is their native spoken tongue. Never works. But since there is a fair amount of room (15 by 25) it is divided by a serving counter with the cooking side having linoleum and eating side carpet, we can at least try to keep them away from the stove and prep area. So they sit on the edge of the carpeted side with wide eyes and drooling tongues. We love our dogs and care greatly about their welfare, especially nutrition wise. People food is generally a no-no except for rare occasions like major feast days (think Thanksgiving about 12 times a year here).
    I am always glad to hear about Morgan and his pets. Hope he’s treating y’all well. Love you, Casey.

    • Dan Perdios
      Dan Perdios says:

      Dearest Casey,

      Sounds like a kennel house! What fun! I know they’re all spoiled as they should be. Hope you all are doing well and staying safe. You sound great. I’m glad to see that. Always good to hear from you. Love you as well.


  3. Gretchen King
    Gretchen King says:

    Sadly, my last Golden passed in Jan so my house is empty for now but mine were allowed in the kitchen as needed but they all seemed to sense when they needed to get out of the way. I didn’t allow them to jump on the counters or get in the dishwasher but they knew were the treats were and how to push the cabinet when told to open it.

    • Dan Perdios
      Dan Perdios says:

      Sorry for your loss Gretchen. That’s so recent. I know how painful that is. Thoughts of comfort your way. I’m glad Morgan brings a smile to you. He does the same to me.


  4. Russ Lemerande
    Russ Lemerande says:

    Tahli is our little sous chef and she is allowed in the kitchen. Her place during cooking is right near the stove. If it is in the oven, she wants the light on so she can keep an eye on it. Usually, there is a little sloppy lake that develops right under her! Scout wants to be in the kitchen but just lays on the floor unless it’s cookies. Then, they both wait for the ding and want their share. They both lay down during the actual human eating of the food, but all want to perform the prewash duties afterward.

    • Dan Perdios
      Dan Perdios says:

      I can see all this happening Russ. It makes me laugh. of course Tahli is on the kitchen. Cookies are a good motivator for Scout. Who won’t pass up a batch of warm homemade cookies? Thanks for sharing your kitchen story!

  5. Kathy Barnes
    Kathy Barnes says:

    I loved this. You know our girls are allowed in the kitchen and lick the pans and eat from our plates and bowls. Thank you for sharing. Love you all.

    • Dan Perdios
      Dan Perdios says:

      Thank you Kathy! I know your girls get to go into the kitchen. I wish I had a kitchen where Morgan could go into. But he gets close enough. Love you as well!!!!!

  6. Thomas Ruiz
    Thomas Ruiz says:

    We have a Min Pin, the only way I can keep him out of the kitchen is with a child’s security gate which also comes in handy to keep the resident rugrats out of the kitchen. The plus side is that our dog, Deebo, is better than a broom when the rugrats are eating


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