The Times of Your Life

Forgive me that this title is a cliché, but the other day after I had the hole in my ear drum grafted closed by my most excellent ENT- Ear, Nose and Throat doc – an amazing woman with the best hands in the west. The surgery is something that I’d been waiting to do for 25 years and it was finally the right time. Things seem good as of now and I’m glad I did it. But it did require anesthesia – and so the next day I was still feeling groggy and under the weather. Not wanting to do much else, I went online and started looking at all the photos I’d taken of Morgan over the last couple of years and I swear if it didn’t make me feel better. Pictures of him and Cody on our epic mountain hikes. Photos of Morgan swimming in the blue water of Lake Tahoe last fall. All the shots of him and us over the last few years on Cape Cod with my family. Even the funny personal ones of him on the couch or the bed. They put a smile on my face and even though I wasn’t feeling great I saw how blessed I am. I have had an amazing life visiting beautiful places and eating delicious food and having loved ones around.

Sometimes I think that I take too many photos of Morgan until I have a day like this and I realize there still aren’t enough. These photos are like a diary.  A daily journal of our lives and of those that are in it. If it hadn’t been for FB I wouldn’t have these photos. How I wish Facebook was around 30 years ago when I had my first two dogs.

Below are the pictures from this past summer that made me smile the most.

8 replies
  1. Kathy Barnes
    Kathy Barnes says:

    Dan, this is very beautiful and so true I too wish I had more pictures of Angel Dusty, but most of my pictures are memories in my heart. Thank you for sharing this with us, and most of all, thank you for being my friend.

    • Dan Perdios
      Dan Perdios says:

      Thanks for your kind words. Same to you. Thanks for being my friend. I understand about holding Angel Dusty in your heart. They’re a treasure. Pictures in my heart that I hold dear for Nicholas and Willy.

  2. Debbie Revock
    Debbie Revock says:

    Thank you for this Dan & Morgan!!!! The pictures are awesome & the stories are beautiful. Love you guys!!! I can’t get enough


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